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More than 18 years ago, we entered the glass and aluminium industry committed to supplying our customers with quality glass balustrade products. We keep this commitment by carefully choosing the glass, mild steel, stainless steel and aluminium that we use, as well as by having the necessary licenses and registrations to prove that our services satisfy all the requirements of the Victorian Building Authority.

The Victorian Building Authority ensures that building practitioners in Victoria, Australia are efficient and competitive. They determined that beginning on July 1, 2018 all building companies must be registered as a building practitioner in order to continue entering into major domestic building contracts or be named on a building permit as the builder for major domestic building work or any other building work costing more than $10,000.

This registration guarantees that:

At least one director of the company holds a valid registration as a building practitioner. This means that he/she has the necessary qualifications, knowledge and expertise to do the work in question.
All the directors of the company satisfy the criteria for registration and none of the them have had their registration cancelled for committing acts that are contrary to the Building Act.
Each director of the company has shown appropriate conduct and proven their financial integrity in accordance with the requirements established by the Victorian Building Authority .
The company has and maintains the proper insurance for the services that they provide.

We at Nu-Lite Balustrading have applied for and received the necessary registrations to continue designing and constructing balustrades, bannisters, pool fencing and privacy screens for commercial and domestic purposes in Melbourne. We applied for this registration as a building practitioner because we believe it is necessary and good for us and for our customers.

Nu-Lite must fulfill specific obligations and responsibilities before the Victoria Building Authority to maintain this building practitioner registration and if we fail to meet these obligations, we pay heavier fines than individuals would. The responsibilities involved in keeping this registration encourage us to keep our standards high. We have always worked to provide high-quality service and products and we must continue working, if we are to meet the requirements of our customers and those of the Victorian Building Authority.

This building practitioner registration is necessary and good for our customers, because it proves that when we sign a building contract, we do so with the serious commitment to provide quality work.This registration also shows our customers the integrity of our company and gives them confidence that if they hire us, they will be protected from inferior work and unfair charges.